Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Expose the blog troll?

Day 7 of production on the otter project and the rhythm guitar track are done. I'm not counting the 4 to 5 weeks of preproduction, song writing and the months of previous project planning, but at this point the project is really starting to take shape. Next step is bass guitar then add tracking guitar parts plus guitar solos.

I'll preface the next section with the phrase, stuff that was on my mind.

My puerile yesterdays were always filled with the thoughts of simplicity and ease of creation. I mean you can see a work in front of you and perception takes but a moment, but to make that precise moment requires both years and thoughts farmed, watered with hopes, dreams, fears - lamentations encouraged by venomous snakes in the garden is always my favorite impetus for creation.

It's like the moments creep forward through poetry and music because they don't come through in words. Maybe I get a special joy out of a crucification something said to music can bring. My own way to vent.

As I get angrier...

Safe to say I now feel a special amount of moxie built up in the vestibule of my mind, as I retreat behind the wall of intellect and verbage. What do I mean?

I wanna move on and write something.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I....have no idea what you just said.